On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 09:10:21 -0800, Gunner Asch
Post by Gunner AschPost by F. George McDuffeeThat is maybe a rational response to the situation
but I think it leaves the economy in a bad state.
Jumping into the lifeboat may leave the ship in a bad state as it
sinks..but one can hardly blame the jumpee....
This is a variant of Keynes "Paradox of Thrift"
http://tinyurl.com/5zqhtu in that what is rational/utile for
the individual is counter-productive for the aggregated
socioeconomy. We can generally ignore this because not
enough people are opting to take this option. The problem
starts when a significant minority start to do so, and this
"snowballs" due to the bandwagon effect.
A contributing factor is the changing demographics in that
the population is getting older, and it is generally the
young who are willing to try something new.
Remember, we are discussing this in the aggregate, and there
will always be individual exceptions, possibly because they
have nothing to lose, or because family resources allows
them to "take a flyer," e. g. Bill Gates. Its the large
majority in between that's the "problem."
It is this type of problem(s) where social dynamics becomes
key, and the disparaged disciplines such as anthropology and
sociology become critical. In the ages past this had to be
left to chance because the factors were not understood on
other than an anecdotal basis, but with the creation of a
"brittle" global socioeconomy with mega urban areas, it is
now at least as critical to understand these dynamics and
try as best we can to manage them, as it is to understand
epidemiology and public health, and to try to manage that,
e. g. ebola, measles, cholera, TB, STD/VD, etc., through
pure food and drug laws, clean water laws, compulsory
immunization, etc.
Humanity has created this Frankenstein's monster, continues
to make it stronger, and it must be managed/controlled, if
it is not to turn on us.
Unka' George
"Gold is the money of kings,
silver is the money of gentlemen,
barter is the money of peasants,
but debt is the money of slaves"
-Norm Franz, "Money and Wealth in the New Millenium"