2004-12-07 10:53:15 UTC
The firm I work for has recently got 2 Mazak variaxis 630's with fusion controls.
When machining complex toolpaths with high feed rates using ISO programs in 2d or 3d, we currently
use G61.1. But this seems to slow the machine feed down a lot in small corners, complex contours
etc, far more than we would expect, and a lot more than our other 5 machines do.
The only mention of G61.1 we can find in the manual refers to being used in conjunction with G05,
we cant find any mention of using it on its own. But this is what the machine selects when running
a mazatrol programs.
We've just tried G05 and G61.1 once and it made no difference in cycle time, and it doesn't seem to
work with G54.2 active, which we use all the time. But we are still looking into this at the
We tried using G64, this kept the feed up, but rounded corners off too much to hold drawing limits.
We've tried putting a K value after the G61.1, K1 made no difference to cycle time, where as K100
slowed it down even more. We also tried M830 to M821, but I don't think we have this option on, and
it made no difference. G61 slowed it down way to much as well.
As an example, one toolpath at 6000mm/min feedrate take 9 mins using G64, looks good, very smooth,
but part scrap as all corners have bigs rads on them.
Using G61.1 the same toolpath takes 14 mins, and the motion seems very 'stop start'. Everything
else tried was slower too.
Is this just the limits of the machine, or is there a way to improve things, maybe parameters to
change to loosen up the tolerance of the machine a bit, or acceleration and deceleration values?
We have noticed that when ramping down the outside of a closed profile, say 4mm deep every time
round, until 40mm deep. Then doing a final pass at depth, the 'ramping' passes are a lot smoother
and faster than the 'final' (constant Z depth pass).
I know our DMG 5 axis machines using Heidenhain contols can use a 'tolerance' command to speed
thing up for roughing or open tolerance parts etc. But even if not using this, they are a lot
faster and smoother than the new Mazaks, tho they are a lot smaller machine.
Any advice would be welcome.
When machining complex toolpaths with high feed rates using ISO programs in 2d or 3d, we currently
use G61.1. But this seems to slow the machine feed down a lot in small corners, complex contours
etc, far more than we would expect, and a lot more than our other 5 machines do.
The only mention of G61.1 we can find in the manual refers to being used in conjunction with G05,
we cant find any mention of using it on its own. But this is what the machine selects when running
a mazatrol programs.
We've just tried G05 and G61.1 once and it made no difference in cycle time, and it doesn't seem to
work with G54.2 active, which we use all the time. But we are still looking into this at the
We tried using G64, this kept the feed up, but rounded corners off too much to hold drawing limits.
We've tried putting a K value after the G61.1, K1 made no difference to cycle time, where as K100
slowed it down even more. We also tried M830 to M821, but I don't think we have this option on, and
it made no difference. G61 slowed it down way to much as well.
As an example, one toolpath at 6000mm/min feedrate take 9 mins using G64, looks good, very smooth,
but part scrap as all corners have bigs rads on them.
Using G61.1 the same toolpath takes 14 mins, and the motion seems very 'stop start'. Everything
else tried was slower too.
Is this just the limits of the machine, or is there a way to improve things, maybe parameters to
change to loosen up the tolerance of the machine a bit, or acceleration and deceleration values?
We have noticed that when ramping down the outside of a closed profile, say 4mm deep every time
round, until 40mm deep. Then doing a final pass at depth, the 'ramping' passes are a lot smoother
and faster than the 'final' (constant Z depth pass).
I know our DMG 5 axis machines using Heidenhain contols can use a 'tolerance' command to speed
thing up for roughing or open tolerance parts etc. But even if not using this, they are a lot
faster and smoother than the new Mazaks, tho they are a lot smaller machine.
Any advice would be welcome.