Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
(too old to reply)
whoyakidding's ghost
2013-05-16 14:19:17 UTC
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9

Version 9 adds paramedic claims and impalement fantasies.

(additions are marked with ******)

Below is a collection of links and quotes describing infamous Usenet
troll and death warrant issuer Mark. R. Wieber, a.ka. Gunner or Gunner

Wieber has been posting to Usenet since the mid '90s, frequently
thousands of times per month. His habit is to write tall tales to top
anyone he's debating. If his opponent dares dispute any of the tales
then Wieber follows up with ever more elaboration and exaggeration. He
frequently promises to put his critics on "the list" so that they will
be "hung from lamp posts" during "the great cull" which is perennially
just over the horizon. This tactic is usually accompanied by multiple
detailed descriptions of gory deaths.

Typical thread example http://tinyurl.com/amh8gjn

Wieber likes to fantasize about killing. This one includes a very
lengthy description of impalement.
(sample snippets) "So there you are...10 or so feet up in the
air..with a sharp stake up your ass and as time goes by...it pushes
deeper and deeper into your body cavity..any organs that arent pushed
aside..are punctured as you slowly..very slowly slide down the stake"
"Think of the stink that 20,000 writhing, twisting, squirming, wailing
and screaming Leftwingers would make. Glorious! Absolutely

Killer Wieber

"wacking leftists is a patriotic duty."

"So we simply kill them all and periodically weed out those who show a
preference for mental illness and Socialism."

"Kill the leftists. Its the only way."

Photos of Wieber

He sometimes posts a photo of himself in one of his clown costumes.
Presumably he imagines it will scare readers into believing he might
shoot them from miles away.

The reality is that he's a Usenet Walter Mitty whose main talent is
slowly culling himself by way of copious infusions of nicotine and
Mountain Dew. He'd have died years ago if not for multiple rescues by
the social welfare system he despises.

Plugged arteries, heavy smoking, Mountain Dew and one handed pullups.

Wieber likes to pretend that he lives on ranch acreage, prepared to
survive the apocalypses he constantly warns everyone to fear.

The build-up!!!

"3/4 of an acre"

"I own an acre"

"I own a large property"

"Several acres"

"the empty lot I own to the left. I also own the lot on the
other side of the alley." "Im going to put up a
30x50 steel building on the empty lot to the left of the house."

"the other two lots that I own..right next to mine..and behind mine."

"I own a quarter of an entire block"

"I should mention I now have my very own 2500 sq ft warehouse with a 6
Ton over head crane to store Stuff in <G> 2 blocks from my home. With
3 phase."

The let-down :(

I lease proprety around me.

Ive got an empty lot beside me that I have permission from the owner

The Reality

A city lot with a shabby mobile home and tons of clutter.
http://goo.gl/maps/TEXoU Google street view
http://tinyurl.com/yjxbmjq County property record, typically showing
his struggle to make $100 payments. (If the link doesn't work, search
for 326 Olive, Taft)

The Wieber Inc. company conference table.

The corporate pool in the shop basement.

Wieber claims to be very skilled at many trades. He also insists he's
a hard worker despite the obvious contradiction with all the posting.

The evidence is 30 years of liens and judgments.
http://tinyurl.com/d7hkkp http://tinyurl.com/l68gh3

So many skills, but admits needing to save up for a bus ticket.

Wieber pretends to be a P.E.

"Son....its called California Advertising. Half the companies out
here dont have a degree. Just someone who owns it good enough to pass
the tests."

Sexual Prowess

"While I once got paid to do a porn..it was over 30 yrs ago..and I
kept my socks on."

One of Wieber's many descriptions of sexual conquest and expertise,
this time dating a black Victoria's Secret model.

"I was banging my babysitter when I was 11"

His charming description of one of his secret techniques.

Listen up ladies: if you find teeth a turn-off then Wieber's your man.

Wieber's chronicle of the years 1976-2000. Unrequited love, wife and
kid from hell, trash and bills sneaking up for years, etc. In his own
words "disgusting."

Wieber's detailed description of his Friends List, a personal army of
"computer wienies," ready to track down his online enemies so that his
other friends can execute the offenders, yada yada.

One of the above mentioned friends, and Wieber's most loyal sycophant
and defender for many years, the fearsome Tom Gardner. (the walrus
shaped one)
Loading Image...

One version of his story of serving in Vietnam despite the fact that
he was too young to have enlisted.

One of his explanations for why he can't produce his service

Additional accomplishments as a juvenile

"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"

"Which is why I got to march with Dr King in Detroit in June of
1963..at the age of almost..10."

Name an occupation and Wieber will claim to have substantial
experience. The trouble is that after so many hundreds of thousands of
posts he can't possibly keep track of who he's one-upped, including

The amazing Deputy Pinocchio story

"I dabbled as a reserve Deputy for a couple years"

"a reserve Deputy at night (two years)"

"Worked for 5 yrs as a reserve Sheriff's Deputy"

"I was a Deputy for several years in the 70s"

"8 yrs on the street as a cop"

"a number of years as a Deputy Sheriff..and have done bounty hunting
on and off for many years"

"And Ive known drug dealers for 30 yrs. Most of them are dead or in
prison. Ive arrested some 2500 or more of them over the years."

At some point Wieber decided he'd been a paramedic as well

As an ex paramedic

Remember, I'm also a paramedic.

Blacksmithing, animal husbandry, "handy man", paramedic, armorer

Ive been..in Real Life(tm)...everything from a pulp cutter
(lumberjack), to fishing guide, deputy sheriff, Army Ranger, alarm
company Sr. Engineer, Ham Radio hobbyist, CB radio tech, commerical
photographer, competative marksman and pistol combat shooter,
gunsmith, paramedic and a host of other things both as a living and as

Wieber's life is better than yours

"When was the last time you attended a Black Tie dinner function with
the president of a Fortune 500 Company? Last year for me.
When was the last time you sat down over pizza and discussed the
economy with a world class economist? Last month, for me."

"I own my own business doing engineering etc etc."

Wieber NEVER stops working (lying)

"In the past 40 yrs..I think Ive been unemployed for a total of
hummm...6 days."

"Ive only been unemployed for about 3 months"

All that working, paychecks not so much.

"So I went dumpster diving. And I sat in a house with no gas or
electricity and ate my dumpster food, and shared it with my dogs and
cats. We all were happy to have food. For two weeks."

Do not cross Wieber, he has an army of lawyers ready to issue a

"Im sure your provider is going to be real happy to get a phone call
from me, my lawyer, and a couple other folks whom carry a bit of

"My lawyer hates reading between the lines"

"Im a big fan of turning them over to the cops along with a signed
statement (having my Lawyer draw it up and deliver it)"

"My lawyer will be sending you a summins in the next few weeks or so"

Marksman Wieber

"Shooting a coyote in the head at 75 yrd with a handgun is dead

"In my circle..we dont bother to take out a rifle until the range to
ground squirrels gets past 175-200 yrds."

"I drag out the rifles when the ranges go over 250 meters when varmint

"...but Ive trained (and actually survived) multiple
targets/assailents, armed with a variety of weapons, over the years.
Ive been shot, stabbed, bayoneted, blown up, bucked off, run over,
thiumped on, clubbed, smashed bashed and generally been abused...but
while Im not as fast as I used to be...I can still punch a .45 round
into multiple targets while keeping at least 2 pieces of brass in the
air at the same time I shot in a combat match Sept 7th of this
year..they put me in with the active military and active police
shooters and I took 1st place. Got yet another dust collector to try
to find a place for. 5 falling plates at 15 yrds in 2.01 seconds.
Slow as molasses for a hot shooter..slow as hell for me in my
prime...but still faster than 99.999 people on the street And that
was not having competed in several years, cold off the street, with my
daily gun and old ammo grabbed out of the junk self. I ran the course
again with a .41 Magnum, full house loads..and my best time was 2.51
seconds. Shrug...one doesnt think..one simply does..muscle memory
does the rest. After shooting at least 1 million rounds out of
handguns alone over the past 30 yrs...."

Wieber's even more amazing friends

"A buddy of mine (Ranger) killed a deer once on a $100 bet, with a
ball pein hammer."

Wieber, macho Mitty. Bears and boar, watch out!

"From about 20 feet. Not a baited bear or dog run bear either. I snuck
up her fair and square. But then..I was used to hunting far more
dangerous game."

"how about wild boar with a bowie knife? Been there, done that."

"the last two wild boar and the last 3 deer I harvested were with
handguns. Oh..and second and third elk I took were with handguns."

"I took a boar with an obsidian tipped spear once. "

"I competed in several pistol competitions and came in 2nd and 3rd,
which included reloading both revolvers and semiautos and killed,
butchered and packed out a number of wild boar with one arm."

Wieber is indestructible!

Ive been treated for injuries as a result of rodeo, motorcycles,
knives, explosive devices, assault. aircraft crashes and motor vehicle

The stupendous Wieber tops world records!

264 mph motorcycle

42 knot Hobie Cat

2 foot centipede

Drives 10 million miles

Only 1 million on "scooters" though.

Self professed animal lover.

Except for beating one dog.

And hanging another from a choker chain. A redneck classic.

Wieber's funniest lies.

"I never lie"

"I never lie"

And in case you couldn't guess, here are some of his IQ stories.

"mid 150s"

"In 1971, I was given a battery of tests at Michigan Tech University
(Houghton) and after some head scratching, the chief of testing
declared I had an IQ of 157. They wrote several articles on the
subject and published them somewhere."


Finally, for music lovers, the Wieber theme song

Talking Hard Work
Words and Music by Woody Guthrie

While we're on the subject of hard work
I just wanted to say that I always was a man to work.

I was born working and I worked my way up by hard work.
I ain't never go nowhere yet but I got there by hard work:
Work of the hardest kind.
I been down and I been out
And I've been busted, disgusted and couldn't be trusted.
I worked my way up and I worked my way down.

I've been drunk and I've been sober. I've had hard times and I got
And been robbed for cash and robbed for credit.
Worked my way into jail and outta jail
And I woke up alotta mornings and I didn't even know where I was at.

But the hardest work I ever done is when I was trying to get myself
a worried woman to ease my worried mind.
Now I'm gonna tell you just about how much hard work I had to do to
get this here
women that I'm a-tellin you about.

I shook hands with 97 of her kinfolks and her blood relatives and I
done the same with 86 people that was just her friends and her
Kissed 73 babies and put dry pants on 34 of em' as well as others
And done the same thing several times - as well as a lot of other
just about like this.

I held 125 head of wild horses, put saddles and bridles on more that
harnessed some of the craziest, wildest teams in the whole country.
I rode 14 loco broncos to a dead standstill and let 42 hound dogs lick
me all over.
Seven times I was bit by hungry dogs and I was chewed all to pieces by
water moccasins and rattlesnakes on two separate river bottoms.
I chopped and I carried 314 armloads of stove wood, 100 buckets of
and I carried a gallon of kerosene 18 miles over the mountains, got
lost a pair of shoes in a mud hole.
And I chopped and I weeded 48 rows of short cotton, 13 acres of bad
and cut sticker weeds out of 11 back yards.
All on accounta' cause I wanted to show her that I was a man a I liked
to work.

I cleaned out 9 barnloads and cranked 31 automobiles, all makes and
Pulled 3 cars out of mud holes and 4 out of snowdrifts.
I dug 5 cisterns of water for some of her friends and neighbors
and run all kinds of errands.

I played the fiddle for 9 churches meetings and I joined 11 separate
I signed up and joined up for 7 of the best trade unions I could find
And paid my dues about 6 weeks ahead of time.

Waded 40 miles of swamps, 60 big rivers,
Walked across 2 mountain ranges and crossed three deserts.
I got the fever and I got sunstroke and I got malaria and I got the
and I got moonstruck and skeeter bit, the poison ivy and the 7 year
and the blind staggers.

I was given up for lost and dead about 2 dozen times.
Struck by lightning, struck by Congress, struck by friends and
as well as by three cars on the highways and a lotta times in peoples
I been hit and run down and run over and walked on and knocked around
And I'm just settin' here now trying to study up what else I can do to
that woman that I still ain't afraid of hard work.
George Plimpton
2013-05-16 14:46:28 UTC
Post by whoyakidding's ghost
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
Additional accomplishments as a juvenile
"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"
That's a good one. It reminds me of a Phil Hendrie segment from 14
years ago. One of Phil's "guests" that evening was Jeff Dowder, drummer
for the band Dark Horse and professor of "mechanical physics" at Cal
Tech. Jeff had written a book, called "What I Seen", detailing all the
famous rock concerts and other events he "seen" over many years. He got
lots of details of them wrong, and naturally the callers to the program
argued with him over the errors. Jeff repeatedly told them, "It's not
what you seen; it's what I seen." In the end, it emerged that Jeff
hadn't been at any of the events in person - he had seen clips of them
on TV.

Nov 4, 1999, hour 2
Existential Angst
2013-05-16 18:05:26 UTC
Post by whoyakidding's ghost
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
Additional accomplishments as a juvenile
"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"
That's a good one. It reminds me of a Phil Hendrie segment from 14 years
ago. One of Phil's "guests" that evening was Jeff Dowder, drummer for the
band Dark Horse and professor of "mechanical physics" at Cal Tech. Jeff
had written a book, called "What I Seen", detailing all the famous rock
concerts and other events he "seen" over many years. He got lots of
details of them wrong, and naturally the callers to the program argued
with him over the errors. Jeff repeatedly told them, "It's not what you
seen; it's what I seen." In the end, it emerged that Jeff hadn't been at
any of the events in person - he had seen clips of them on TV.
Nov 4, 1999, hour 2
Ahhh, the two usenet fagits, humiliating *themselves* on usenet AGAIN.....
AND now 69'g in public..... <MMMmmmmm> <Yummmmmm>

Go get a room. Neither of you can hold Gummer's dick.
George Plimpton
2013-05-16 18:16:05 UTC
Post by Existential Angst
Post by whoyakidding's ghost
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
Additional accomplishments as a juvenile
"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"
That's a good one. It reminds me of a Phil Hendrie segment from 14 years
ago. One of Phil's "guests" that evening was Jeff Dowder, drummer for the
band Dark Horse and professor of "mechanical physics" at Cal Tech. Jeff
had written a book, called "What I Seen", detailing all the famous rock
concerts and other events he "seen" over many years. He got lots of
details of them wrong, and naturally the callers to the program argued
with him over the errors. Jeff repeatedly told them, "It's not what you
seen; it's what I seen." In the end, it emerged that Jeff hadn't been at
any of the events in person - he had seen clips of them on TV.
Nov 4, 1999, hour 2
Ahhh, the two usenet fagits, humiliating *themselves* on usenet AGAIN.....
AND now 69'g in public..... <MMMmmmmm> <Yummmmmm>
Go get a room. Neither of you can hold Gummer's dick.
gummer has no dick...same as you
2013-05-17 02:17:06 UTC
Post by George Plimpton
Post by Existential Angst
Post by whoyakidding's ghost
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
Additional accomplishments as a juvenile
"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"
That's a good one.  It reminds me of a Phil Hendrie segment from 14 years
ago.  One of Phil's "guests" that evening was Jeff Dowder, drummer for the
band Dark Horse and professor of "mechanical physics" at Cal Tech.  Jeff
had written a book, called "What I Seen", detailing all the famous rock
concerts and other events he "seen" over many years.  He got lots of
details of them wrong, and naturally the callers to the program argued
with him over the errors.  Jeff repeatedly told them, "It's not what you
seen; it's what I seen."  In the end, it emerged that Jeff hadn't been at
any of the events in person - he had seen clips of them on TV.
Nov 4, 1999, hour 2
Ahhh, the two usenet fagits, humiliating *themselves* on usenet AGAIN.....
AND now 69'g in public.....  <MMMmmmmm>  <Yummmmmm>
Go get a room.  Neither of you can hold Gummer's dick.
gummer has no dick...same as you
Stop lowering yourself to KiddingNoOne's level and do your own thing.
It's far more effective when you criticize Wieber with your own
Gunner Asch
2013-05-18 08:05:49 UTC
On Thu, 16 May 2013 14:05:26 -0400, "Existential Angst"
Post by Existential Angst
Post by whoyakidding's ghost
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
Additional accomplishments as a juvenile
"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"
That's a good one. It reminds me of a Phil Hendrie segment from 14 years
ago. One of Phil's "guests" that evening was Jeff Dowder, drummer for the
band Dark Horse and professor of "mechanical physics" at Cal Tech. Jeff
had written a book, called "What I Seen", detailing all the famous rock
concerts and other events he "seen" over many years. He got lots of
details of them wrong, and naturally the callers to the program argued
with him over the errors. Jeff repeatedly told them, "It's not what you
seen; it's what I seen." In the end, it emerged that Jeff hadn't been at
any of the events in person - he had seen clips of them on TV.
Nov 4, 1999, hour 2
Ahhh, the two usenet fagits, humiliating *themselves* on usenet AGAIN.....
AND now 69'g in public..... <MMMmmmmm> <Yummmmmm>
Go get a room. Neither of you can hold Gummer's dick.
Yuck!! No thank you bois! Only ladies..not trannies...hold my dick.
Sorry...no thanks! Nope, no way Jose.

Geeze...that certainly put a chill down MY spine....brraaack!!

Gunner, back from LA

"You guess the truth hurts?


"Hurt" aint the word.

For Liberals, the truth is like salt to a slug.
Sunlight to a vampire.
Raid® to a cockroach.
Sheriff Brody to a shark
Bush to a Liberal

The truth doesn't just hurt. It's painful, like a red hot poker shoved
up their ass. Like sliding down a hundred foot razor blade using their
dick as a brake.

They HATE the truth."
2013-05-18 11:31:25 UTC
Post by Gunner Asch
On Thu, 16 May 2013 14:05:26 -0400, "Existential Angst"
Post by Existential Angst
Post by whoyakidding's ghost
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
Additional accomplishments as a juvenile
"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"
That's a good one.  It reminds me of a Phil Hendrie segment from 14 years
ago.  One of Phil's "guests" that evening was Jeff Dowder, drummer for the
band Dark Horse and professor of "mechanical physics" at Cal Tech.  Jeff
had written a book, called "What I Seen", detailing all the famous rock
concerts and other events he "seen" over many years.  He got lots of
details of them wrong, and naturally the callers to the program argued
with him over the errors.  Jeff repeatedly told them, "It's not what you
seen; it's what I seen."  In the end, it emerged that Jeff hadn't been at
any of the events in person - he had seen clips of them on TV.
Nov 4, 1999, hour 2
Ahhh, the two usenet fagits, humiliating *themselves* on usenet AGAIN.....
AND now 69'g in public.....  <MMMmmmmm>  <Yummmmmm>
Go get a room.  Neither of you can hold Gummer's dick.
Yuck!!  No thank you bois!   Only ladies..not trannies...hold my dick.
Sorry...no thanks!  Nope, no way Jose.
Geeze...that certainly put a chill down MY spine....brraaack!!
Gunner, back from LA
"You guess the truth hurts?
"Hurt" aint the word.
For Liberals, the truth is like salt to a slug.
Sunlight to a vampire.
Raid® to a cockroach.
Sheriff Brody to a shark
Bush to a Liberal
The truth doesn't just hurt. It's painful, like a red hot poker shoved
up their ass. Like sliding down a hundred foot razor blade using their
dick as a brake.
They HATE the truth."- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
So how were the tricks in LA?

Was this 2 for 1 week?


2013-05-17 04:29:33 UTC
Post by whoyakidding's ghost
Mark R. Wieber (a.k.a. Gunner) Cliff Notes Version 9
Version 9 adds paramedic claims and impalement fantasies.
(additions are marked with ******)
Below is a collection of links and quotes describing infamous Usenet
troll and death warrant issuer Mark. R. Wieber, a.ka. Gunner or Gunner
Wieber has been posting to Usenet since the mid '90s, frequently
thousands of times per month. His habit is to write tall tales to top
anyone he's debating. If his opponent dares dispute any of the tales
then Wieber follows up with ever more elaboration and exaggeration. He
frequently promises to put his critics on "the list" so that they will
be "hung from lamp posts" during "the great cull" which is perennially
just over the horizon. This tactic is usually accompanied by multiple
detailed descriptions of gory deaths.
Typical thread examplehttp://tinyurl.com/amh8gjn
Wieber likes to fantasize about killing. This one includes a very
lengthy description of impalement.http://groups.google.com/group/sac.politics/msg/3e720bd5775a70b8
(sample snippets) "So there you are...10 or so feet up in the
air..with a sharp stake up your ass and as time goes by...it pushes
deeper and deeper into your body cavity..any organs that arent pushed
aside..are punctured as you slowly..very slowly slide down the stake"
"Think of the stink that 20,000 writhing, twisting, squirming, wailing
and screaming Leftwingers would make.  Glorious!  Absolutely
Killer Wieber
"wacking leftists is a patriotic duty."http://groups.google.com/group/soc.men/msg/c5eeb6c57ae2434f
"So we simply kill them all and periodically weed out those who show a
preference for mental illness and Socialism."http://groups.google.com/group/alt.fan.rush-limbaugh/msg/ae4dcca05cd3...
"Kill the leftists.  Its the only way."http://groups.google.com/group/alt.machines.cnc/msg/1ce71d4938ea0bdd
Photos of Wieber
He sometimes posts a photo of himself in one of his clown costumes.https://picasaweb.google.com/104042282269066802602/Gunner#52309623057...
Presumably he imagines it will scare readers into believing he might
shoot them from miles away.
The reality is that he's a Usenet Walter Mitty whose main talent is
slowly culling himself by way of copious infusions of nicotine and
Mountain Dew. He'd have died years ago if not for multiple rescues by
the social welfare system he despises.https://picasaweb.google.com/104042282269066802602/Bypass#52977220972...
Plugged arteries, heavy smoking, Mountain Dew and one handed pullups.http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/1f36c4ad63bee0ac
Wieber likes to pretend that he lives on ranch acreage, prepared to
survive the apocalypses he constantly warns everyone to fear.
The build-up!!!
"3/4 of an acre"http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/cab03648c3...
"I own an acre"http://groups.google.com/group/sci.econ/msg/74bd2ff85f98cbfd
"I own a large property"http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/c31f643bf9...
"Several acres"http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/3d5d25863209cdc3
"the empty lot I own to the left. I also own the lot on the
other side of the alley." "Im going to put up a
30x50 steel building on the empty lot to the left of the house."http://groups.google.com/group/alt.home.repair/msg/745fd34b5e5a19a9
"the other two lots that I own..right next to mine..and behind mine."http://groups.google.com/group/sci.econ/msg/01785581c332e034
"I own a quarter of an entire block"http://groups.google.com/group/alt.politics/msg/9806c5ec3716c02c
"I should mention I now have my very own 2500 sq ft warehouse with a 6
Ton over head crane to store Stuff in <G> 2 blocks from my home. With
3 phase."http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/00ea7d74ff...
The let-down  :(
I lease proprety around me.http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/92431ffa0db2f641
Ive got an empty lot beside me that I have permission from the ownerhttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/82a93aa205...
The Reality
A city lot with a shabby mobile home and tons of clutter.http://goo.gl/maps/TEXoUGoogle street viewhttp://tinyurl.com/yjxbmjq County property record, typically showing
his struggle to make $100 payments. (If the link doesn't work, search
for 326 Olive, Taft)
The Wieber Inc. company conference table.https://picasaweb.google.com/104042282269066802602/Newpups#5530249378...
The corporate pool in the shop basement.https://picasaweb.google.com/104042282269066802602/SepticTank#5537059...
Wieber claims to be very skilled at many trades. He also insists he's
a hard worker despite the obvious contradiction with all the posting.
The evidence is 30 years of liens and judgments.http://tinyurl.com/d7hkkp     http://tinyurl.com/l68gh3
So many skills, but admits needing to save up for a bus ticket.http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/df63f7a68b...
Wieber pretends to be a P.E.
"Son....its called California Advertising.  Half the companies out
here dont have a degree. Just someone who owns it good enough to pass
the tests."http://groups.google.com/group/alt.machines.cnc/msg/65ee02118cd78d85
Sexual Prowess
"While I once got paid to do a porn..it was over 30 yrs ago..and I
kept my socks on."http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/20b709a701b572d9
One of Wieber's many descriptions of sexual conquest and expertise,
this time dating a black Victoria's Secret model.http://groups.google.com/group/alt.machines.cnc/msg/76b0aba944fe26da
"I was banging my babysitter when I was 11"http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/d26fc90c00...
His charming description of one of his secret techniques.http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/92cccf38b2...
Listen up ladies: if you find teeth a turn-off then Wieber's your man.http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/488c6a00c55ffdcf
Wieber's chronicle of the years 1976-2000. Unrequited love, wife and
kid from hell, trash and bills sneaking up for years, etc. In his own
words "disgusting."http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/94ecb1feee7c3603
Wieber's detailed description of his Friends List, a personal army of
"computer wienies," ready to track down his online enemies so that his
other friends can execute the offenders, yada yada.http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/51ccf1d671...
One of the above mentioned friends, and Wieber's most loyal sycophant
and defender for many years, the fearsome Tom Gardner. (the walrus
shaped one)http://www.neme-s.org/Oshkosh_2007/Ohio_Brush/DSC02543.JPG
One version of his story of serving in Vietnam despite the fact that
he was too young to have enlisted.http://groups.google.com/group/alt.military/msg/503604f47159259d
One of his explanations for why he can't produce his service
Additional accomplishments as a juvenile
"I met Janis that weekend. (March '68) Fugs, Cream, Animals, Byrds etc
etc etc over the next few years. Met most of the big Names in the next
3 yrs"http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/9466cc49e1e9e99d
"Which is why I got to march with Dr King in Detroit in June of
1963..at the age of almost..10."http://groups.google.com/group/or.politics/msg/ff92a4b3bf6990c4
Name an occupation and Wieber will claim to have substantial
experience. The trouble is that after so many hundreds of thousands of
posts he can't possibly keep track of who he's one-upped, including
The amazing Deputy Pinocchio story
"I dabbled as a reserve Deputy for  a couple years"http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/50864f4b5f...
"a reserve Deputy at night (two years)"http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/daf6b3de8807600c
"Worked for 5 yrs as a reserve Sheriff's Deputy"http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/cab03648c3...
"I was a Deputy for several years in the 70s"http://groups.google.com/group/rec.crafts.metalworking/msg/0f875239e8...
"8 yrs on the street as a cop"http://groups.google.com/group/alt.politics/msg/898e16741f642645
"a number of years as a Deputy Sheriff..and have done bounty hunting
on and off for many years"http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/890c10adbedb9f8a
"And Ive known drug dealers for 30 yrs. Most of them are dead or in
prison. Ive arrested some 2500 or more of them over the years."http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/5587a26b9180b99b
At some point Wieber decided he'd been a paramedic as well
As an ex paramedichttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/adbd03a89de3e8be
Remember, I'm also a paramedic.http://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/b6f7951ebd19af13
Blacksmithing, animal husbandry, "handy man", paramedic, armorerhttp://groups.google.com/group/misc.survivalism/msg/93bdfece55aad274
Ive been..in Real Life(tm)...everything from a pulp cutter
(lumberjack), to fishing guide, deputy sheriff, Army Ranger, alarm
company Sr. Engineer, Ham Radio hobbyist, CB radio ...
read more »
LOL..I live to read this ...can't wait for the movie.

If you were making the movie of Gummer aka Mark Wieber's life, who
would you cast for the role of Gummer?

whoyakidding's ghost
2013-05-17 13:42:08 UTC
On Thu, 16 May 2013 21:29:33 -0700 (PDT), Too_Many_Tools
Post by Too_Many_Tools
LOL..I live to read this ...can't wait for the movie.
If you were making the movie of Gummer aka Mark Wieber's life, who
would you cast for the role of Gummer?
Gary Busey. But only because Jim Varney's dead.